A Moving Blog

Occasional celluloid musings from BarryG

Thursday, 12 May 2011


In 2004, writer-director Michael Saul produced seven gay video shorts and called the collection True Love. Five years later, he packaged four less short films about gay couples as Crush.

A gentle black soldier has a non-camp white lover and conflicting loyalties (Don't Ask), a camp white student designer is besotted by an Asian vampire boyfriend (Bloodline), a wannabee painter pairs up with an older artist (Strokes), and a painfully shy Asian with a Caucasian voice emotes the poeticised tale of his schoolboy crush for a chirpy Caucasian kid (Breathe).

All four had interesting ideas, competent acting and technical qualities, off-beat inter-racial couplings, and one with a generation gap. The non-porn gay movie genre needs more variety; Saul produced a likely and likable choice for most gay film festivals.


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